We Buy

Do you have vintage clothing or accessories to sell?

We're definitely interested!

We do not consign. We pay out right for clothing. 

Selling vintage is a sustainable, eco-friendly way to re-home clothing that might otherwise end up in a landfill. 

It's also a wonderful way to support a small, local businesses like Hip Zipper! 

We buy men's + women's vintage clothing & accessories circa 1930 - 1990 (and some y2k...)

Common Questions we ask folks wanting to sell: 

- Do you have mens? women’s? 
- How many items do you think you have?  (i.e.  20 pieces?  50 pieces? more? less? )
- What eras do you think they’re from?  50s?  70s? etc…  or is it a range of decades?
- What kinds of items do you have?  Denim? Coats? Purses? Dresses?  Skirts?  Lingerie? Western Wear?

We are always buying and interested in the following vintage for the shop:


'youthful' dresses, lingerie, purses, coats + jackets, jumpsuits, denim, pants, sweaters, sweatshirts, tops/blouses, boots, belts...


Western shirts, 70s disco shirts, flannels / Pendletons, suits, blazers, pants, denim, sweaters, belts, hats, boots and SO much more!

We schedule appointments at times that work for both the buyer and seller. (that's us!)

You're also welcome to send us photos of examples that are indicative of your collection! 

Before you throw it away or donate it, reach out to us at howdy@hipzipper.com

We'll get back to you ASAP!   Thank you for keeping our store in mind!